January 18, 2004
Kucinich to Deliver Bold, Live via Satellite "State of the Nation" Address to NH Supporters
TODAY- SUNDAY, January 18, 2004 -- The Kucinich for President campaign announced a bold live via satellite "State of the Nation" address to be delivered in New Hampshire on, Tuesday, January 20th, at 1:15 p.m. Eastern Standard Time.
Newspaper advertisements invite the public and supporters of Dennis J. Kucinich to attend the live via satellite broadcast at the Wayfare Inn, Terrace Room, 121 South River Road, Bedford, New Hampshire. The first 120 supporters who arrive will be a part of the historic live telecast. Media is invited and should rsvp to Richard Hendrick 603-208-8585 or David Swanson, 301-772-0210.
Leading the Democrats in his national profile as the peace candidate who voted against sending troops into Iraq and against spending billions on the war, Dennis J. Kucinich will give a bold "State of the Nation" speech to audiences throughout New Hampshire days before the primary election. Kucinich wants the nation to hear his "State of the Nation" speech live via satellite. All network and local TV stations across America will be provided with satellite coordinates and invited to downlink the live speech beginning at 1:15 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. In addition, satellite news feeds will be available to the networks and TV stations with excerpts from the speech throughout the day on Tuesday, January 20th, 2004.
Campaign leaders and media teams throughout the nation will be calling their local TV stations asking to see the speech live at 1:15 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. In the evening, The Kucinich for President 2004, media team, will provide a live web cast of a TOWNHALL meeting in Nashua, New Hampshire beginning at 8:30 p.m. EST. Supporters and the public are being invited to take part in the TOWNHALL meeting, where they are invited to watch the State of the Union address by President Bush, hear the "State of the Nation" address by Kucinich, and engage in meaningful conversation about the direction of the nation in this election year.
Democratic Presidential Candidate Dennis J. Kucinich says he is moving up in the race for the nomination of his party and plans to beat George W. Bush in the November 2004 election. "We are at a moment in our history where we need to end war as a diplomatic weapon! We are at a moment in our history where we can lead this planet on a course of peace in our homes, peace in our communities, and peace on earth."
Networks and TV stations please stand-by for satellite coordinates which will be released on Monday, Jan. 19, 2004 by NATSAT in Los Angeles. Print media/speech will be released after the 1:15 live broadcast in Bedford, New Hampshire.
For more information: