I wrote this in response to a patronizing column up here titled "Middle America defies it's betters" :eyes:
"I really have to pity you for your deluded views. Middle america is composed of hard-working democrats whose sons and daughters are somehow fighting the war on "terror" the pampered, elitist right- wing sons and daughters find too bothersome to care about. It's composed of men who weren't born with silver spoons in their mouths, women who actually WORK for a living, struggling ethnic minorities, and gays. It's composed of brave people who actually served their country, didn't hide from it in a drunken stupor on daddy's estate.
It's a shame that thousands of people are going to die because the elitist, heartless republicans play their OWN supporters for empty headed fools.. Let's face it, republicans and their uptight supporters need people to care more about the fact they hate gay marriage or some other non-issue than they do about the lives of actual HUMAN BEINGS. You people are to be pitied. Does the world always have to pay to give angry, self-centred, rich white guys ego boosts?
And the issue of voter fraud, does it matter? Does democracy? Let's face it, you republicans are just sore because a "mere" liberal was the patriot, the hero, that zeros like Bush, Cheney, and Reagan NEVER were. Continue to hurt, maim, and kill in the name of your self-righteous delusions, go right ahead, because it seems to give you "christians" so much obvious pleasure. Look around at how your "concern" for others has "helped" regular, everyday "middle america'. Feel any human shame yet?
Enjoy yourselves, after all, it's not out of touch people like you doing the suffering now, is it?
Geez,think I got my point across? :(