Dean's sagging poll numbers have put the entire premise of his campaign to a test: He has argued that he can win the White House by attracting millions of newcomers and disaffected voters, particularly young people, to his banner. Fair enough. All he needs to do in Iowa is attract several thousand. If he can't do that - after spending countless days, using thousands of volunteers and going through millions of dollars here - why should any other Democrat in the country think he can do it in a general election? Dean's big emphasis on the Internet also may not do much for him in Iowa because the poll says 61 percent of likely caucus-goers either don't have Internet access or don't get campaign information from it if they do. At this point, Dean must hope that pollsters have missed some of his young newcomers and that a hidden tidal wave will appear for him Monday night. It's possible.
Kerry's the hottest candidate right now. On the stump, he's sharper, more focused and more relaxed than ever. He's picking up some support from fellow military veterans. Some Democrats seem to like his Washington experience over Dean's lack of the same. They also like a guy who has a combat record, a fact that would make him harder for Republicans to demonize.
Kerry seems to understand the first rule of Iowa caucus politics, as first articulated by former Congressman David Nagle of Waterloo. The "Nagle Rule" holds that you: "Organize, organize, organize. Then get hot at the end." Dean's organized, but got hot too early. Gephardt's organized, but "hot" has never been used as an adjective with "Gephardt." Edwards' caffeine intake is apparent in the candidate and his poll ratings, yet he lacks the organizational infrastructure built by the others.
Kerry's talented staff has built him a respectable organization, they've poured everything they have into Iowa and Kerry himself has never been sharper or more energized. If he were a baseball pitcher, they'd be calling Kerry a good closer. http://desmoinesregister.com/opinion/stories/c5917686/23290016.html