DES MOINES, Jan. 18 — Equipped with a new reporting system, the Iowa Democratic Party is planning to provide final results of the state's presidential nominating caucuses by 10 p.m. Central time on Monday.
But the totals will not be of the individual votes that candidates receive. The numbers instead represent the percentage of state convention delegates allotted to candidates based on the level of support received at the 1,993 precinct gatherings.
Those participating are to arrive and sign in at 6:30 p.m. Central time. At 7 p.m., they will begin dividing into "preference groups" according to their presidential choice. Members of groups that do not achieve a certain level — 15 percent of those attending, in most cases — then have 30 minutes to realign with other candidates. The membership of the groups is tallied and, using a mathematical formula, the number of precinct delegates is divided among the candidates. The numbers are then phoned in to the party headquarters.
Democratic officials expect that the automated call-in system will speed the reporting and enhance the reliability of the results. They hope to increase turnout by holding almost all of the meetings in schools and other public buildings. The state party would like to exceed the 125,000 Democrats who took part in 1988.