Dean musta said one of his "cute things" about the time that New Hampshirites started to pay attention. I think that for us poli-geeks tracking these numbers and the finer details is important and something to get worked up about.
For most NHers, the pols who trod their snow every four years are a nuisence regarded in a way comparable to how we feel about Hari Krishnas at the airport passing out flowers and love (or at least how we used to feel about them until Ashcroft had them all carted off to Gitmo).
Since Dean was getting incredible buzz, I imagine many respondents to pollsters simply gave the name of the candidate that they had heard of. When people started to really think about voting, Dean lost those fly-by-nights and leveled off at his current 28%. Dean's 36-39% high was always an inflated, name ID related phenom, not hardened support. Clark, who got some nice media buzz for a while, may have suffered a smaller version of that, leveling off to his current 20%.
We'll see who catches on. I think Kerry's probably gonna tick up a bit to take #2, but not much more will change. I'm for Clark, but I'm not confident that he can win over the needed last-minute impulse voters in the NH party. The south will be different, but Clark may have to settle for #3 here.