I know Iowa only picks the candidate about half the time, but I find it very interesting what seems to be going on there. Of course the polls are all over the map, but some candidates favored by the Democratic establishment appear to be doing better than had been expected. Does anyone have any idea how this may possibly effect the general election should one of them get the nomination?
I for one, have been attracted to the couple of candidates that are challenging the status quo. All have skeletons in their closet, but who doesn't. What I like is the desire to shake things up in the party, God knows they need it. From my perspective the last three years have offered little in the way of true opposition from our Democratic leadership. Time and time again the extreme right's agenda has been enacted against the will of the People and something needs to be done about it. I personally have lost a great deal of respect for many that I once held in high regard. I really do not wish to become involved in an argument about this, what I wonder is the fallout should one of the Establishment candidates attain the nomination.
I am a bit older and much more cynical and whomever gets the nomination WILL get my vote, the level of support will depend on the nominee. Many younger voters seem to be driven by their support of what they see as fresh voices outside the party structure. Are their votes transferrable or will they go third party or not at all on Election Day? I'm concerned, whomever gets the nomination will have to do their best to get the respect and support of this VERY important voting group.