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Mon Jan-19-04 07:29 PM
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Glad I bought more Dean shares when he was at 34 this morning!!... -C
Dean 42 Kerry 33 Gephardt 11 Edwards 10
Contract Bid Ask Last Vol Chge Iowa Caucus Democratic DEM.DEAN.IA Howard Dean to win Iowa Caucus 42.0 44.0 41.9 3704 -1.1 DEM.KERRY.IA John Kerry to win Iowa Caucus 33.1 38.0 33.0 2915 -2.0 DEM.GEPHARDT.IA Richard Gephardt to win Iowa Caucus 10.5 12.9 13.0 2433 +3.0 DEM.EDWARDS.IA John Edwards to win Iowa Caucus 10.0 12.6 10.0 2625 0 DEM.LIEBERMAN.IA Joe Lieberman to win Iowa Caucus - 1.0 0.5 24 0 DEM.CLINTON.IA Hillary Clinton to win Iowa Caucus - 0.9 0.5 0 0 DEM.FIELD.IA Field(one of all other candidates) to win Iowa Caucus - 1.0 0.5 513 0
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