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A Kerry press conference would change everything

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TruthIsAll Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Nov-30-04 07:46 PM
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A Kerry press conference would change everything
You would think that all those Repuke newspapers who were for Kerry and who said that Bush was a disaster, like the NYT, would be all over VOTER.FRAUD.GATE

But they just can't get themselves to investigate a damn thing if it involves Bush.

At least they should keep from disparaging those of us on the NET (the real media) who are doing the work and are after the truth.

One Kerry press conference would change all that.
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Doctor_J Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Nov-30-04 07:48 PM
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1. after watching TV on Nov 3,
I will be OK with NEVER seeing another Kerry press conference.
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Rockerdem Donating Member (706 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Nov-30-04 07:54 PM
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2. This needs to be a 100% top-to-bottom effort
One or two people out on their own will be marginalized by MSM type fearful of Rove's machinations. Activists who live within a couple oo hundred miles of OH should be flooding into the state. That type of massive influx has to happen in order to galvanize the concerned, and startle the MSM out of their stupor.

Sit around instead, and nothing will happen. In this case, the masses have to lead. The politicians with a good ear like JFK will naturally pay attention, and take it from there.
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