from the Voice of the White House:
November 28, 2004 : “Congratulations to you people on the net! Your comments and articles have had an impact on the powers that be whether you know it or not. Your existence didn’t stop vote fraud on a big scale but it did: postpone an attack on Iran, a pushing in public for a universal draft, a wholesale trashing of the Social Security system (in essence, Grandma’s check cut in half and no medical benefits under SSI), and other items. They hate all of you around here but can’t find a way to shut the cursed internet off. Too many businesses (all contributors to the Jesus-based Republicans) use it and they can’t send the FBI around to put mandated filters on every computer in the United States (which they would love to do. There have been discussions with computer builders about this but they never went anywhere.
full article at up the chatter, folks