this was written by a minister and is an example that there are many moderate/liberal Christians out there and the way they follow their religion leads them to support democratic causes and candidates.
<If, after voting, I had been questioned by one taking an exit poll, the choice for my vote would have been "moral values." To my mind that selection covered most of the others. To cast a vote for John Kerry was infinitely more moral than a vote for George Bush.
Within the religious realm there is a conservative view that tends to take Scripture as inerrant and literal. This position holds homosexuality as a sin without redemption and allows no social allowances for gays and lesbians (note the rejection of civil union by the religious right). Their position does not allow a woman a right of choice concerning her own life and body, but rejects her rights because of an objection to the act of abortion.
At the other end are those equally as religious but more moderate or liberal who take a different view to the interpretation of Scripture. They look to the revelations of science to enlighten their views of both scripture and society. These people move toward accepting that homosexuality is not a "lifestyle" or a choice. They may believe that abortion is wrong, but that every woman is free to make her own choices.
To the first group morality seems to be a list of rules. Boxes to be checked off and done or opposed in God's name.
The latter group tends to look at morality as captured in the words and teaching of Jesus of Nazareth through his parables, stories and sermons. They take seriously the 25th chapter of Matthew ending with the promise that, "just as you have done to the least of these my children....">