captain goes with the ship
By: Peter van der Hagen - Assistant News Editor
Date Posted: December 01, 2004
Bush hasn't even started his second term and already the loyalty of his cabinet members is making a spectacular showing of his competence. Yesterday, Tom Ridge, the first Secretary of Homeland Security, a department created by Bush, announced his resignation. As for his reasons, he left us all to believe that he was returning to his family life.
Ridge is simply added to a long list of Bush's dream team to climb into the life rafts fleeing from Bush's sinking ship. Colin Powell, Spencer Abraham, Ann Veneman, Rod Paige, Donald Evans, John Ashcroft and Tom Ridge all sat down and pooled their excuses, wrote their letters and all walked out without looking back. Within a couple of weeks after the election, the American experts and leaders of Justice, Foreign Affairs, Education, Energy, Agriculture, Security and Commerce were gone. Would we be surprised if more announcements were made? I wouldn't. The lifeboats are running out.
This just goes to show the belief of Bush's competence. The feeling is felt everywhere. In the article, "Bush gets low marks in Europe" in the International Herald Tribune, polls conducted showed that "overwhelming majorities" in Europe didn't believe Bush was helping the Trans-Atlantic relationship. The poll even went to say that Bush "fared least badly in Italy, but even there 46 percent expressed disapproval, with 29 percent approving and the rest declining to answer."
Now the faith in Bush's abilities has hit home. His cabinet is jumping ship, leaving the captain to join the wreckage. Why couldn't our own nation see it? The world saw the truth, the advisors are coming to the realization and America meanders blindly. At a time where the U.S. will need international cooperation and guidance, we elected a man the world hates. If he will stay his next four years, Bush must curb his outlook and create some amazing results to heal the wounds.