I also bought givebushthefinger.org, couldn't get the .com.
You guys remember
http://www.sorryeverybody.com/ which took off like a rocket, right? I want to see the same sort of thing except with pictures of you and you and me giving the chimpster the finger - one, not five. Georgie boy can even join in, every hundredth poster or so with his famous picture. I think it is a timely way to protest.
I, however, have no skills as a website creator - I can learn them and will if necessary, but I would like to pass this opportunity and these domains on to competent hands or I would like someone to baby step me through the process.
So guys, start talking to me. Not about whether you'll send a picture to the website - I know that thousands of you will and that there are thousands out there who don't even know about DU who will, but I'm looking for people to give me information on the nuts and bolts of doing this or offers from people to do this competently for me.