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News Gathering Is Illegal Under New Patriot Act II

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Angry Girl Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-01-04 10:11 PM
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News Gathering Is Illegal Under New Patriot Act II
By Alex Jones - - 11-20-4

SECTION 102 of the new Patriot Act ll states clearly that any information gathering, regardless of whether or not those activities are illegal, can be considered to be clandestine intelligence activities for a foreign power. This makes news gathering illegal.

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Verve Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-01-04 10:15 PM
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1. Are you sure there is no mention of D.U. in that section?
What a pathetic regime we now live in!:puke:
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NVMojo Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-01-04 10:15 PM
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2. can just see this in action control of all media, even indy...
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rockymountaindem Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-01-04 10:25 PM
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3. I thought they were having enough trouble getting Patriot Act I renewed.
I thought they were going to let most of it expire. Didn't Sensenbrenner say it would be renewed "over my dead body"? What's this new Patriot Act II stuff?
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Angry Girl Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-01-04 10:32 PM
Response to Reply #3
4. They did it SOOOOO sneakily. Dems are sleeping...

By David Martin 12/24/2003

Bush signs parts of Patriot Act II into law — stealthily

On December 13, when U.S. forces captured Saddam Hussein, President George W. Bush not only celebrated with his national security team, but also pulled out his pen and signed into law a bill that grants the FBI sweeping new powers. A White House spokesperson explained the curious timing of the signing - on a Saturday - as "the President signs bills seven days a week." But the last time Bush signed a bill into law on a Saturday happened more than a year ago - on a spending bill that the President needed to sign, to prevent shutting down the federal government the following Monday.

By signing the bill on the day of Hussein's capture, Bush effectively consigned a dramatic expansion of the USA Patriot Act to a mere footnote. Consequently, while most Americans watched as Hussein was probed for head lice, few were aware that the FBI had just obtained the power to probe their financial records, even if the feds don't suspect their involvement in crime or terrorism.

This broadening of the Patriot Act represents a political victory for the Bush Administration's stealth legislative strategy to increase executive power. Last February, shortly before Bush launched the war on Iraq, the Center for Public Integrity obtained a draft of a comprehensive expansion of the Patriot Act, nicknamed Patriot Act II, written by Attorney General John Ashcroft's staff. Again, the timing was suspicious; it appeared that the Bush Administration was waiting for the start of the Iraq war to introduce Patriot Act II, and then exploit the crisis to ram it through Congress with little public debate.

The leak and ensuing public backlash frustrated the Bush administration's strategy, so Ashcroft and Co. disassembled Patriot Act II, then reassembled its parts into other legislation. By attaching the redefinition of "financial institution" to an Intelligence Authorization Act, the Bush Administration and its Congressional allies avoided public hearings and floor debates for the expansion of the Patriot Act.


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Angry Girl Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-01-04 10:49 PM
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5. MORE RECENT LINKS on Patriot Act II
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