Edited on Thu Dec-02-04 12:43 AM by fujiyama
Is this a Right Wing nation?
Sure Dems can win statewide seats in the several red states, but they are having a very tough time getting elected to the federal level. Other than a few popular incumbents, we haven't defended most and I can't think of any open seats Dems have captured in the last two elections (other than Obama and Salazar).
I've seen a million posts on what the Dems should do to change their position in the south - Be more liberal! Be more conservative! Don't change one bit. It's gun control. It's abortion. It's gay marriage...etc etc...
But let's get to the crux of the matter. Isn't America a RW nation? We see it in so many aspects. We don't want to make a sacrifice of higher taxes for better health care and education. We argue about things like creationism being taught in schools (something that simply baffles people in just about every other nation, including many developing nations). I could go on and on. Most of you get the point.
And ultimately, the people don't care one bit. I saw a few posts that caught my eye. One was dealing with pride, and how many people vote as if they were rich, rather than voting for their own economic benefit. They figure, if they made more money, they too won't want to pay higher taxes and that trickle down economics work, and that they don't want a raise in the minimum wage. To economists, this is clearly irrational behavior. They are behaving in ways that simply don't benefit them...
But that's the problem. These people do view themselves as voting for their own benefit. That benefit is fear over social issues.
We see this faux pride on display in just about every other characteristic. We see it in excess credit card spending. We must keep up with the Joneses and we must buy a bigger house, a bgger SUV, and so on.
I think that's where the RW Christianity comes in. We have seen an alliance betweent the fundies and corporate America. Don't be fooled. There is little evidence this alliance will fail anytime soon. As dopmeone on another thread mentioned the corporation has been able to brainwash millions into believing they are doing right....and this same message has been echoed back by the preachers and televangelists. It works out great for the CEOs. They make tons of money and the people demand nothing.
So ultimately, we see a corruption of religion...but this fake spirituality based on greed and intolerance has filled the vacuous hole that was caused by the mindless consumption.
I think we need a major attitude shift in this nation, if Dems are to be successful in large parts of the country. Many people aren't even looking at Dems as an option. They don't even look at the economics, because the social issues trump all.