Edited on Thu Dec-02-04 01:19 AM by sam sarrha
things that all the cults of Abraham represent, judgement day Duality, inherent conflict of good and evil..and abhorrence of the shades of grey necessary for all to be inclusive. Religion is taking over the government.. and i now hope the corporations soon take it back..!!!
I went to the Unemployment office and the woman there spent half my time asking me what church i went to, what church my mother went to.. my wife went to.. and was suspecious when i did not give the "RIGHT" answers, , she made phone calls to church people asking questions about my mothers church..ETC/ETC/ETC/ETC.. then told me i should go to her church..!!!!!...
it is NOT a benign institution, it is DANGEROUS to have religion in such an incestuous relationship with government.
I feel more threatened every day!! these Evangelicals are not benign, not tolerant, and are not going to give up till they run the schools, the government and everybody's lives... where i live it is sufficating me.. it is everywhere all the time, you cant get free of the extremists, they are always acting suspicious about why you dont go to church..they just dont get it and dont give up. and it is comming after you, wake up.