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Demand a Recount Rally in Columbus, Saturday
by ben frank Wednesday, Dec. 01, 2004 at 5:04 PM
This Saturday there will be a huge rally to Demain a Recount and investigation into the Ohio voting problems. This is not about bush vs kerry, this is about American citizens being given equal access to vote. If we don’t demand Blackwell remove himself from the process and allow a full recount to proceed, then American democracy will be officially dead. You were given a democracy- are you going to let them just take it like this? Do you really think we’ll have a better shot in 2008? Wake up and expose this fraud they call ’the president’ !
Whaaat... haven’t you heard? Bush stole the election! Yep, and based on the evidence to date, and the way they are stalling and covering up- looks like it was a pretty massive job nationwide. The most outrageous vote theft occurred in Ohio where thousands didn’t even get to vote, turned away by dirty tricks from bush cronies.
One of the most enlightening aspects of this vote fraud investigation has been the corporate media’s resounding silence. There is proof of fraud (signed voting receipts found in the garbage) and the mainstream media won’t cover it. And then the sheeple won’t believe the fraud because the media has not covered it- nice setup.
So the networks say that if Kerry had challenged the election, they would be investigating, but since he conceded, they conceded. And so citizens across America have been investigating and gathering evidence themselves and waiting, waiting for John Kerry to finally step up and fight for us. He never showed- not one ounce of fight in him. He says Bev Harris is just trying to stir up trouble. What a loser.
It’s OUR kids that will be drafted for more bush wars, and we say, "Hell No! We’re not giving up that easy."
Kerry has shown his true colors, now we are going to continue on without him. This Saturday we rally in Columbus, Ohio to demand a full recount and some media attention on this issue. We want a full investigation into all 88 Ohio counties, a recount, and a re-vote!
If thousands were turned away by dirty tricks, how can this vote be legitimate? Thousands deliberately turned away and Bush claims he has a mandate? Somebody stand up to this would-be dictator!
In the Ukraine the vote fraud has people in the streets, they have shut down the country to dispute the tainted election results. That’s exactly what we should be doing in America, but Kerry’s silence has allowed the media has suppressed the news. That makes both and kerry and the media complicit with Bush’s vote theft, which is high treason by all of them.
The revolution has got to start somewhere, why not this Saturday in Ohio? We march in such huge numbers that the media cannot ignore us any longer.
Check this out- Canada has 5,000 people take overnight buses to protest Bush
Why can’t we do the same thing America? Who’s got the cash? If MoveOn were for real, they’d charter 100 buses. Many people are barely scraping by, they can’t afford bus tickets for the family. We need someone with money to help us out here. Is there anybody (with $$) alive out there?
Demand a Recount Rally Saturday 1pm at the Ohio Statehouse High and Broad Streets, Columbus

MORE: are all full page flyers, links to half and quarter page printouts here
- need huge numbers - is there anyone out there near Columbus- you can help. If just a few dedicated people spent a day or two each spreading flyers and talking to people all over Columbus that could make a difference. People are excited to learn about the vote theft, so spread this news and it will catch like wildfire. Maybe just sticking the flyer on a post is less effective that standing in front of the post office with a few hundred flyers, that way you get people out of their car with mail in their hands, maybe they’ve got a sec to talk to you.
We need to make this rally the talk of the town- get everybody talking about Bush stealing the election- and we’re going to have a big party denouncing this vote theft. Nothing is more important, please turn off all entertainment for the week and spend all of your free time talking up this ’Down with Bush’ party in Columbus, Saturday.
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