could try contacting them for info.
Actually, I found this on the web. It seems to be all you need to know about forming a PAC:
"(4) How to form a PAC? The procedure is described in detail in the FEC publication "Campaign Guide for Nonconnected Committees". Call FEC at 1-800-424-9530 to ask for one or more hard copies to be sent to you by mail.
This publication is also available online as a downloadable file. You will need to consult it frequently, and you will find the printed version nicer than the copy printed from your printer. The publication is 67 pages long.
A PAC can be formed in only a few steps:
*Choose a name for your PAC.
*Obtain a taxpayer ID number from the Internal Revenue Service for your PAC. For more information, call 1-800-taxform.
*Open a checking account in a bank for your PAC.
*Choose a Treasurer and a Custodian of Records (who could be the same person as the Treasurer).
*Register with the FEC with a simple, one-page registration form.
*Register with your state." the name of your PAC, I'd suggest that you not choose something like "Raging Leftists for Revolution". Names like "Americans for a Brighter Tomorrow" look better on your candidate's contributions reporting form. The Repugs always check to see who is contributing to the other side.
Good luck and thanks for taking ACTION.