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"Bush salutes Canada for its help after 9/11" (3 years late...)

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ailsagirl Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-03-04 01:21 AM
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"Bush salutes Canada for its help after 9/11" (3 years late...)
Edited on Fri Dec-03-04 01:24 AM by ailsagirl

The U.S. president blatantly requests Canada's missile defence co-operation.
BRUCE CHEADLE, CP 2004-12-02 02:21:48

HALIFAX -- U.S. President George W. Bush effusively praised Canadians for past hospitality yesterday before tossing a political missile into the prime minister's lap. Bush deviated sharply from the formal agenda of his first official visit to Canada by baldly requesting Canadian participation in a continental missile defence program that successive Liberal governments have been ducking for years.

"I hope we'll also move forward on ballistic missile defence co-operation to protect the next generation of Canadians and Americans from the threats we know will arise," Bush said during a speech that delivered a blueprint for American foreign policy over the president's second term.

With Paul Martin sharing the podium at Halifax's Pier 21, the president couched his demand in the rhetoric of former prime minister Mackenzie King.


His exhortation for a more aggressive Canadian foreign policy didn't appear to sit well with the prime minister.

"We are a sovereign nation and we will make the decisions about our airspace," Martin told a news conference after Bush's speech.

Rest of the article:
Notice how the article is worded: "blatantly" "baldly"
"effusively...then tossing a political missile..."
"His exhortation...didn't appear to sit well with the prime minister"

Don't you LOVE it?? Canadian media are so on top of it. I'm honestly so used to the fawning praise our gd ms media heap on the chimp that to hear an objective, HONEST view, is startling!! And gratifying.

TGFC (Thank God for Canada)

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Penguin31 Donating Member (208 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-03-04 01:27 AM
Response to Original message
1. I SO wish I were up there
...but obviously "I don't qualify" since I'm just BEGINNING college (therefore no applicable skill), and more importantly in this case...don't have money...(see my thread a few pages back in GD)

At least SOME country's media actually has the journalistic integrity to not kiss *'s ass
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Maple Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-03-04 01:36 AM
Response to Reply #1
2. Dunno if this will help you or not
Edited on Fri Dec-03-04 01:40 AM by Maple
This story was at:

but is apparently no longer available. So I'll give you this snip from it.

"Canadian universities are doing their part to lure American students, touting an international experience at a good school at a fraction of the cost of an Ivy League education. The University of Windsor in Ontario is even willing to forgo one major benefit of attracting international students -- a lucrative source of revenue -- to establish itself as a destination for American students.

Windsor became the first university in Canada to establish a "NAFTA tuition fee" so that U.S. students could pay substantially less than other international students (about $5,700 compared with $11,000), and only slightly more than Canadian students pay.

Clayton Smith, Windsor's vice-provost of students, admits the policy was controversial when it was first introduced in 1998 because it means Canadian taxpayers are subsidizing the education of American students, so the university has never promoted it. That will soon change, making the NAFTA tuition rule the "centrepiece" of the new U.S. marketing campaign to be launched for next fall, said Smith."

On edit: Check your email for the whole article

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Penguin31 Donating Member (208 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-03-04 03:00 AM
Response to Reply #2
3. Thought about it...once small problem
When I say money, I quite definitely mean that...I don't disclose actual numbers, ever - but to make a long story short, the only reason I'm enrolled in higher ed (College/University) is due to government-provided Financial Aid. Without that, my new catch phrase would BERY quickly become "Would you like fries with that?".

The only way I could POSSIBLY attend a University in Canada would be through mega-generous financial aid north-side, and for some reason, I just don't see that happening (To be blunt, my past academic record, and even parts of my first semester at college, aren't the best in the world, largely due to the fact that I loathe waking up, and...well....)

I just don't see how it'd be possible.
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