in that the first termers are worn out or in a groove that won't work for a soon to be lame duck. Nixon voiced this as one of his regrets in keeping on old hands. Possibly he regretted not filling his place with stormtroopers who could fight off Watergate with clean hands.
I suspect the Nixonian logic is operant here considering the sorry Nixonian debutantes who are high up running things. The simple intent also has been in print. Bush wants to run hard and fast with his "mandate" and that requires zealous cronies, not balance or a 'dream team" illusion. Other problem areas he wants emasculated with stooges in place since bad things or nothing will be done(Education, etc.). Bush probably is dismayed that after a tough campaign he must get it mostly done in the coming year.
The Dems should physically wear Bush out by whatever means possible. No more vacations, rests, or reprieves, no honeymoon, no allowances and less compromise than ever. The blowback from having cronies is that there is no alternate voice to mediate or take the fall and fewer people of any real talent or responsibility to do the job at all!
Instead, of course, in line with the dumber journalists also guessing, people tend to look for "sackings" and "trouble" or "scandals" as being behind this refacing of the WH. It was all planned and part of the next agenda. It looks to be very ugly, but another 911 would help Bush immensely to get away with tremendous horrors.