I was going to call this thread "Could Arnold really become President?", but after thinking about it, I doubt if Arnold could've even become Governor in any other state besides California.
Sometimes I think we worry about Arnold a little too much. If anything, I think The Gropenfuher (thanks to whoever coined that) is more of an asset to us in the long run than a liability. With some of his well-known moderate and liberal views, it's high profile people like him who just might end up helping to split the Republican Party. Considering the chance of an amendment change, Arnold leans way too much to the left of Ronald Reagan to make a successful bid at presidency if things stay the same in those good ole red states. Conservative is something Arnold is not.
He's been documented as being pro-choice; he's pro-big government, he's pro-gay rights; he's even admitted to smoking pot (oh the nerve of him admitting that, haha); he's even a womanizer, lol. Sounds a little like Bill Clinton to me! Arnold has too much baggage that matters way too much to the religious right and conservatives in general. On the pro-choice thing, he once told Peter Jennings he was pro-abortion, not just pro-choice. On top of that, conservatives are still pissed about when Arnold said he was ashamed of his party's attack on Clinton during the impeachment days.
I think the only reason repukes were glad he became Governor of CA was because they thought he'd help win the state for Bush this year. If Arnold were to have run for office in almost any other state besides California on the repuke ticket, I think he would've gotten his ass kicked.
I mean, could you imagine Arnold running and winning in any of the red states for Governor, let alone President? Does he really represent Repuke-ican values?