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Statement by Alma Golden... Regarding Abstinence Education Report

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The Straight Story Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-03-04 09:14 PM
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Statement by Alma Golden... Regarding Abstinence Education Report
Wednesday, Dec. 1, 2004

HHS Press Office
(202) 690-6343
Statement by Alma Golden, M.D., Deputy Assistant Secretary for Population Affairs, Office of Public Health and Science Regarding Abstinence Education Report of the House Committee on Government Reform

This report misses the boat. These issues have been raised before and discredited. Unfortunately what they continue to do for purely political reasons is to take issues and information out of context to try and discredit abstinence education, which is a disservice to our children.

One thing is very clear for our children, abstaining from sex is the most effective means of preventing the sexual transmission of HIV, STDs and preventing pregnancy and the emotional, social and educational consequences of teen sexual activity. Studies show, as does my own experience as a Pediatrician, that abstinence works especially when combined with the involvement of parents in educating their children about what expectations they have and the setting of boundaries of behavior. Just like we tell them not to smoke or take drugs, or drink and drive, we tell them abstinence is best so they can grow up to be healthy thriving adults.
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RC Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-03-04 10:08 PM
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1. Horse pucky
We are a social species. We get psychotic, don't think straight without social interaction. The Sex drive is a normal, natural function for adults as a part of this social interaction.

What does the sex drive have to do with smoking, drugs and alcohol? Nothing. So why, except to instill fear and aversion in our children, is there any reason to tie a needed social interaction to the ingestion of mood altering chemicals?

Our children carry what they are taught, true or not into their adult lives.

Teach our children the facts. Abstinence education is a disservice to our children. Abstinence education is based on ignorance of the anthropology of our species.

It is this BS that gives us the child molesters, rapists and various forms of sexual perversions.
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Warpy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-03-04 10:59 PM
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2. They must've copied some hoary Victorian
marital guide. All it lacks is "on your wedding night, grit your teeth and think of England."

Thank goodness for kids telling each other a few things, or we'd have another generation of ignorant, sex phobic, scared, fumbling, unprotected teenagers.

Oh, wait, kids who buy that stuff ARE all of that.
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