The Progressive Caucus of the Minnesota DFL sponsored a grassroots listening session this evening (Dec. 3) in Saint Paul for Minnesota's members of the Democratic National Committee as well as our state chair. The main topic was the upcoming election of a new DNC Chair.
Over a hundred (maybe as many as two hundred?) people showed up for the open mike session. Most were from either Minneapolis or Saint Paul, but there were a few from far-flung suburbs. Included in the crowd were myself and several DUers: dpbrown, no name no slogan, goodhue, and EricJ in Minnesota. (Apologies if I overlooked anyone). I also saw many people I knew from the Kucinich campaign, and it was evident that a lot of veterans of the Dean campaign were there, too.
Anyone who wanted to express an opinion was given one minute to make a statement, and I estimate that perhaps fifty people did. While they covered a variety of concerns, several consistent themes emerged:
1. The Dems have to offer a consistent, clear, easily stated vision that will give voters a reason to vote for them instead of just against the Republican. "I know better what the Republicans stand for than I know what the Democrats stand for," one participant said.
2. The party needs to develop its grassroots movements and keep them alive between election years. A lot could be accomplished in terms of person-to-person persuasion and visibility during the "off" years. One participant suggested showing thought-provoking ads ("Which do you prefer: Social Security or tax cuts for the wealthy?") in the red states NOW.
3. Participants were angry at the national party for depending too much on corporate contributions, disrespecting grassroots activists with local knowledge in favor of Beltway consultants, and paying attention to the base only when it wants money.
4. Participants were very aware of the need to reform the media and the voting system. One man told of driving through the red states recently and hearing nothing but right wing hate programs on the radio.
5. The types of candidates the participants wanted to see were those who were bold at expressing a positive vision and who had integrity.
The evening ended with a straw poll about the people currently under consideration for DNC Chair. Howard Dean was the overwhelming favorite, followed by Sidney Rosenberg and Max Cleland. "Don't know" got more votes than any of the other candidates.
The DNC members present reacted quite favorably to what they heard. We learned that one way in which the Minnesota party is different from many other states is that DNC reps are elected by the rank and file, not appointed. Perhaps this is why they were so willing to come to this meeting. I suspect that appointed reps might dismiss the attendees at such a meeting and tell us that "we don't really understand."
Our DNC reps will be holding three other listening sessions in other parts of the state.
I hope that activists in other states are able to organize similar sessions with their DNC reps. From what I hear from around the country, some state parties really need their asses kicked.