I've watched the Democratic Party creep ever-farther to the
right. The Dems voted FOR the Bush agenda (don't believe me?
Look up their voting records), voted to, in effect, suspend
the Fourth Amendment to the Consitution by voting for the
so-called Patriot Act and voted to give war-powers to a
madman. Now, the Democrats have responded to the election by
selecting Harry Reid as House Minority Leader. Reid is a Right
Wing Mormon with a voting record Zell Miller would approve.
We need to wake up to the fact that the Democratic Party is in
bed with the GOP--and is not an opposition party--before we
talk about a strategy for the future. As it stands now, the
Democratic Party doesn't stand for anything but winning--and
I'm not sure they don't want the other half of the Uni-Party
to do the winning. We've become the Concession Party.