I want, especially from the House, representatives that take the time to find out what their constituency really wants, as opposed to voting for things because some vocal groups or lobbyists get more attention then me. I also want, if I have the minority view, to have that acknowledged as legitimate, even if I don't get what I asked for. Would like to see the Reps hold town meetings at least 2 times a year in every county they represent, where they can get feedback, people can ask questions.
It also stuns me that with the technology that is available now, we, the people, the ones supposedly represented, can't easily look online every day and not only see a schedule but have links to the bills about to be discussed or voted upon, and that some aide can't put an easy to digest synopsis of what the heck the bill means. Enough also with these obscure "Voting on such and such amendment" when it isn't clear what the original bill they're amending even is. AND at least a three day window AFTER discussion or public airing of the bill so that the public can express opinions about it. Maybe even, gasp, use television broadcast channels, which are supposed to serve the public interest at a local level, could have a daily "This is your Congress" show where bills are discussed, fairly, so that the public at least has some chance of being informed. Maybe ADD the bills of the day to the tickers on the local news.
It isn't enough for my representative to tell me "Call me up anytime if you have a question or comment". I HAVE tried to do that, I don't talk to him, his aides don't usually know what he's doing, if he will be on the floor to speak, etc. He is MY representative and I'm paying him. I want HIM to spend more time proactively reaching out to ME and informing ME, who doesn't have umpteen jillion amount of time to try to understand what a bill frigging is purporting to do, but also wants the chance to see if I want it passed or not.
Until that happens, the most I get out of politics at a national level is watching it, as a spectator sport-like the action on Cspan. I'm not involved, I can only cross my fingers and hope that the players will do something I like and am quite often disappointed. I may as well be watching The Apprentice to see who Trump is going to fire that week-that's how much connection and power Congress has in my life.
So what if we vote in some new people if the WAY they govern is on an island far removed from the unwashed crowds? I want POPULISM back.