Money received thus far by source:
$250,000 Democratic National Committee
$250,000 John Kerry's presidential campaign
$75,000 from the abortion rights group EMILY's List (Foolish way to describe Emily's list)
$50,000 from the state's Indian tribes
$200,000 came from subscribers to the e-mail list maintained by former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean's group. SNIP.."Assisted by personal appeals from Gregoire, the party got $250,000 each from the Democratic National Committee, John Kerry’s presidential campaign and the progressive political action committee
It got $75,000 from the abortion rights group EMILY’s List and $50,000 from the state’s Indian tribes, Democratic Party officials said.
Brost said more than $200,000 came from contributions to the party’s Web site. And another $200,000 came from subscribers to the e-mail list maintained by former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean’s group, said Pam Eakes of Seattle, who was national finance co-chair of Dean’s presidential campaign...."
Fantastic! Is the candidate native american? I was surprised to see the large contributions from Indian tribes. But then I don't really know about the politics or WA state.