The symposium after was more enlightening and encouraging that the rally itself, IMHO. It was most of the same speakers, but much more personal. Jesse Jackson was supposed to be there, but he is really ill and he spoke to us over the phone/speakers instead, which was still pretty powerful.
To sum it up, as far as action plans, etc...There were many different opinions among the speakers - some were stressing the importance of legal actions, others disagreed and spoke more of civil disobedience. My conclusion is this - there is a LOT of work to be done. I was terribly disappointed by the turnout, but the passion in the room at the symposium was incredible. The event was described by most of the speakers as the beginning of a very long struggle, akin to the civil rights movement. Actually, as part of the civil rights movement. This obviously isn't turning into a rioting-in-the-streets kinda thing yet. It should be, but it isn't. There are lots of actions taking place, and it takes all kinds. The legal battle is one very important facet of it. But we are going to need a lot of ACTION by citizens. We are going to need citizens to go to the offices of their public officials, especially in the shadiest states (Ohio, Florida) to show up at offices and DEMAND answers, DEMAND records, and REFUSE to leave until they get them. We are going to need organized civil disobedience - people coordinating plans in case of arrest. Simple, safe actions like rallies are also vital. We need all sorts of protest here.
DON'T GIVE UP!!! This isn't about getting Kerry in and Bush out - it is about our democracy!!!!