The signs were very obvious after the election of 2000. The media and the press chose "unity" over democracy. They did not want to count the votes in Florida. They chose to let the Republicans steal the election. And many in our own Party went along with the lies. It was best that we "get over it", they said.
And now, four years later, we see the same tactics of stonewalling in Ohio. Perhaps Mr Bush cheated fair and square but that is no reason to not count the votes. Our democracy is in a very bad condition. Those that do not recognize that are simply sticking their heads in the sand.
How many more times can we sacrifice our democratic ideals to the right-wing machine now running this country? Many Democrats know the war in Iraq and the war on terror is a sham and destructive to our nation and the entire world, yet, they go along with the premises of George Bush and Dick Cheney, when in their hearts they know it is a disaster. But they cannot speak up for lack of courage and political cowardice. They will simply fight the war "differently".
In some ways, the United States is witnessing a repeat of Election 2000 where Bush first frustrated Al Gore’s demands for recounts in Florida and then had five Republicans on the U.S. Supreme Court block a recount ordered by the state Supreme Court. Finally, the five Republican justices in Washington required that a reorganized Florida recount be conducted in two hours, a clearly impossible task that handed the presidency to George W. Bush.
Placing national unity as a priority over democracy, the U.S. news media stepped in after Election 2000 to sweep away any lingering doubts about Bush’s legitimacy. The unity message was that the United States needed to put the contentious election in the past, even though Bush was the first popular-vote loser in more than a century to move into the White House.
This protection of Bush’s fragile legitimacy gained even greater momentum after the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks. The “united-we-stand” sentiment put the New York Times and other leading news organizations in a particular quandary in November 2001 when they completed an unofficial recount of Florida’s votes.
The recount discovered that if all legally cast votes had been counted, Al Gore would have won Florida regardless of what standard of “chad” was used. In other words, Gore was the rightfully elected President of the United States, not Bush.