The assassination of Senator Paul Wellstone
BookReview Paul Wellstone was "the first 1960s radical elected to the U.S. Senate." In Senate Race 2002, the White House made defeating Wellstone priority #1. Karl Rove hand-picked arch-Republican Norm Coleman to run against him. Despite massive funding, Coleman was trailing the popular Wellstone less than two weeks before election day.
Then, tragedy struck. On the morning of October 25th, 2002, Wellstone was killed after a mysterious communication cut-out and crash of his small plane. He died alongside his wife Sheila, their daughter Marcia, three staff members, and two pilots, while trying to land at Minnesota’s Eveleth-Virginia airport.
CNN’s Wolf Blitzer insisted to his reporter at the scene that foul weather was the lethal factor in the crash, despite statements to the contrary from the CNN correspondent who was actually there. To this day, the public tends to blame the weather.
Ph.D. Professors James Fetzer and Don "Four Arrows" Jacobs present the harrowing truth. The plane was not responsible. The weather didn’t cause it to crash. Nor were the two pilots incompetent, as the indefensible report of the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) would eventually claim.
The facts point elsewhere. The FBI arrived at the remote rural crash scene less than two hours after the crash. Could they have known about it in advance? The FBI forbade the ambulance and the fire teams to take photos. Even the AP photographer on hand was intimidated, delayed and then monitored. A member of the U.S. Capitol Police Dignitary Protection Division was present.
Did these representatives of law enforcement illegally remove evidence before the NTSB arrived to investigate, some eight hours later? Why did the FBI state that they were treating the site as a "crime scene" but also maintain that this was not the scene of a crime?
How could the FBI conclude and publicly announce, even before NTSB had arrived, that there was "no evidence of terrorism"? A determination of the cause of the crash would not be made for more than a year. So how could they possibly know?
AMERICAN ASSASSINATION confirms the worst fears of a nation. Senator Paul Wellstone was murdered for political purposes and the cause of the crash was covered up. This book explains who, why, and how it was done.
Both authors are decorated university professors. A Native American, Four Arrows (a.k.a. Dr. Don Jacobs) teaches educational leadership and is a staunch critic of US foreign policy. Dr. Jim Fetzer is a published expert on U.S. political assassinations and on the logic of science.
These two Ph.D.s point out the official story’s inconsistencies and what even appear to be its deliberate omissions. They assess its inadequacies and explain why it should not be taken seriously.
With methodical arguments, they present evidence of an official cover-up, a compelling motive for Wellstone’s assassination, and a more likely explanation of how the plane was downed. Some of the most important evidence they discuss includes:
• NTSB’s Carol Carmody handled the Wellstone case. A former CIA official, she is a damage-control expert who handled the NTSB’s investigation of the suspicious aircraft crash of Missouri Governor Mel Carnahan during his race against Senator John Ashcroft two years earlier.
• NTSB is legally mandated to take jurisdiction over a crash scene, yet they let the FBI take control. Yet in its official report, the NTSB failed to even mention any role by the FBI.
• There was never any distress call from the pilots. There was a cessation of communication commensurate with loss of control.
• Some witnesses heard the engines cutting out, a phenomenon not consistent with a stall.
• Others reported odd cell-phone and garage-door phenomena that were taking place about the same time the plane lost communications and control.
• The NTSB's own simulations, which replicated the weather, the flight, and the plane under similar conditions, were unable to bring it down—-even when they were conducted at abnormally slow speeds!
• One of the members who actually signed the report, Richard Healing, admitted that the NTSB really had no idea what had caused the plane to crash.
Since becoming active in this issue, local residents have contacted Dr. Fetzer and related strange electronic interference in the area at the time of the crash. One experienced an odd cell-phone phenomenon with a form of static he had never heard before. Its auditory pattern appears to be similar to that of "electro-magnetic pulse" (EMP) weapons recently developed by the Pentagon to take out computerized systems and wreak harm on human targets.
Reports of garage doors that mysteriously opened in the immediate vicinity are surfacing. And radar images from the time of the plane crashes of Senator Carnahan and of Senator Wellstone are suggestive of EMP imprints. These weapons could have disable its radio communications and caused at least a partial loss of control. But they can do even more damage to human beings by rendering them unconscious, incapable of muscle control, or bringing about their death.
In the wake of the crash, 69% of Minnesotans blamed a "GOP conspiracy" for Wellstone’s death. AMERICAN ASSASSINATION provides a rigorous argument based upon a thorough assessment of the evidence that makes the case that they were right.
The appendices present highlights from Wellstone’s agenda and his speech "On Iraq." His opposition to the rich and powerful helps us all to understand why he would be targeted for assassination. When you encounter this courageous man in his own words, you will absorb his vision and appreciate precisely why Senator Paul Wellstone must continue to inspire us.