A Call to Christians – (My first post*, although I’ve lurked long enough to know that makes me suspect and of unproven credibility… I pray God, I will have the opportunity to post again and gloat with proof of God’s glory in this 2004, Last Election.)
I hope among you there is one with the facility to reach Pat Robertson or Jerry Fallwell or the President and forward my request: “ PLEASE urge all Christians to demand a recount of votes in Ohio and Florida! The odds against exit polls being as wrong as they were, are two hundred trillion to one. This is not a fluke of improbability. This is direct evidence of the Hand of God taking hold of his children and working a miracle through them. Recount and recount and check and check again. We must urge and demand a recount. We must dispel any possibility of fraud. The votes are cast and they are correct. There has been Divine intervention in this election. Prove now to the world and bare witness to this Miracle. Let them know the power of God and stand in awe. PLEASE do not let this opportunity to reveal God’s power slip from our fingers. The world awaits this ray of Light in its darkest hour. Prove the vote! ” God is Truth and Truth is Freedom
DU: Thanks, guys, you’re just so great! Feel free to edit and rewrite and maybe if a bunch of us hit newspapers and church newsletters and talk radio shows with a request like this, pride could still undo the beast.
*I’m borrowing my kid’s screen name to make this post. If I have to, I will try to get a screen name of my own, it will be “Unborn” (unless that is in use). But frankly, I HATE politics and it is a great inconvenience to me to have to try to save the world from fascism when I had such different plans for old age… I’m not a freeper (my kid said I had to say that.) But while I’m on the subject, I’ve never considered myself a democrat. I’ve always been a radical. I think Kerry is a fine public servant. I think bush is a leader. I much prefer a public servant to a leader. Government is supposed to work for us, not lead us. Especially not into shame, economic ruin and endless war. I am only half sarcastic in the above letter, so please take it seriously. I walked many miles on old and broken bones, knocking on doors during this election. I know that the watershed issue in my precinct was Right to Life. If cures for this situation are to be found, I of course, as a radical, would like to address root causes: initially, the voting fraud; but more importantly, the rising power of religious fundamentalism. I think getting Xians to insist on a recount would kill two birds with one stone. Might even get a little wedge issue going in a very wedgied group.