Edited on Mon Dec-06-04 04:46 PM by WI_DEM
I agree that the Dems are not going to get the ideal candidate for CJ or any other position from GW Bush, but if they are united they might, just might defeat the worst of the worst. In my honest opinion, Justice Scalia is the worst of the worst. He is an extreme conservative and also highly intelligent. His intellect is what makes him so dangerous. I'm surprised to see people here advocating that Dems would be right to cave over and permit Scalia to be confirmed on the flimsiest of reasons such as "he is 12 years older than Thomas." So what? he can do alot of damage in 15 years too.
So how do we oppose someone like Scalia. First we have to be united. In the early 70's Nixon appointed two highly disqualified Southern Racists--to appeal to the Southern vote. Anyone remember Haynsworth and Carswell? Dem opposed them and they were defeated. In the end with two very conservative candidates defeated, Nixon needed to save face and appoint someone who could be confirmed. In one case he appointed a Justice who turned out to be one of the best--Harry Blackmun who went on to author the Roe v Wade ruling.
This is what Dems need to do this time too. Of course in the early 70's we had the majority, but we also had alot of Southern Dems in the party then who actually did vote to confirm the two southern candidates. We have a less conservative element this time and if we can pick up one or two Republican votes on principle such as Chaffee or Snowe/Collins--it would be hard for the Republicans to get the 60 votes needed to end a filibuster.
If Scalia isn't worth fighting--then who is?