My son and DIL in IA.......when we talked 2 weeks after the 'election,' HE told ME about vote problems.....since he's somewhat a-political, I asked him how he knew about this....answer: he'd been following pre and post election on a website (I've forgotten the name, but it has been mentioned frequently at DU).....he and his friends have been talking about this and are quite concerned
Neighbor in Tulsa.....when I talked to him yesterday and thanked him for his yard signs, he expressed grave concern about the next 4 years...I asked if he was aware of all the questions about the vote, and he said yes....he'd gotten some info from internet....other sources I'm not sure about.....he said he'd been in military and was out before Vietnam: he'd been called communist at work by people who knew he supported Kerry; he was furious at people denigrating those like Kerry who'd fought in battle......
So some people are aware by various routes and are upset and talking