If you plan to claim Conscientious Objector status, it is important to begin building a "paper trail" now.
Although registrants for the draft have no space on the registration form to indicate conscientious objection, you can write "conscientious objector" on the card, very visibly. Mail two copies, one to the Selective Service, and the other to yourself. Do not open the one you send to yourself. This way, you have a signed and dated affirmation of your beliefs.
You can also register as a Conscientious Objector at the NoDraftNoWay website. While this is not an official registration, it is one more way to begin building your paper trail.
There are many other ways to start documenting your claim: subscribing to anti-war publications, signing petitions, taking pictures of yourself at anti-war rallies, and getting active in local anti-war organizations are all good ways to do this. (Contact us at info@NoDraftNoWay.org for contacts with local organizations.)