As the rightwingnut view of life -that is, with the black/white intellectual capabilities of a 4-year old- is ever so much easier than all them shades of grey, I've decided to follow that view myself. With a twist.
I'll base my black/white view on FACT and REALITY:...unlike the rightwingnuts who just make shit up.
Global Continuity - Terrorism risk has increased since Gulf 2 invasion INCREASED risk of WMD attack invasion has made world more dangerous INCREASES under Bush Iraq war has made world 'less safe' Made World Less Safe, Pro-War Institute Says; World Less Safe Laden ‘is Winning the War on Terror’; Bush's 'hypocrisy' lost us hearts and minds Official Charges Bush Losing War war 'helped al-Qaeda recruit' there are SOOOO many MORE links to pro-war think tanks and non-partisan think tanks and even idiots like Jack Straw (Tony the bLiar's pro-war Rumsfailed) who say yes in fact the world is now LESS safe because of bush's war of aggression.
So. The facts are clear; If you're for bush, you are also for the terrorists.
As simple as a rightwingnut's mind.