FOX News reporting Gephardt will drop out tonight
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Mon Jan-19-04 10:17 PM
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FOX News reporting Gephardt will drop out tonight |
It is FOX news... so... you know.
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Mon Jan-19-04 10:22 PM
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1. FOX will stoop to any low to hurt us! |
Calling Gephardt a quitter is a new low.
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Mon Jan-19-04 10:23 PM
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2. I think they are all reporting |
that Gephardt will formally withdraw tomorrow from St Louis. I heard it on CNN and MSNBC and C-Span (I think)
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Mon Jan-19-04 10:32 PM
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5. I believe they are reporting the news. |
If he quits, he made himself a quitter.
I really think he is being overly-reactive in dropping out. In this caucus, any support under 15% is either ignored or consumed by the other candidates. I thinkl he should at least get an election or two under his belt before a final decision.
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Mon Jan-19-04 10:28 PM
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3. CNBC is saying the same thing. |
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Mon Jan-19-04 10:32 PM
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Cannot seem to summon up a lump in my throat. Gep ran an ugly campaign. Now, karma demands its due.
All the good you have done or will do can be negated by a few bads.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 12:21 AM
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