In our area 4 out of 7 of the DEC offices were filled by Dean/DFA supporters. Here is the blog write-up on our area. Staying Power of DFA Grassroots
Caroll Franklin is the DFA coordinator in Polk County, Florida (also known as the Lakeland, FL region).
Tonight, I was elected State Committeewoman for our local DEC. Not only did I win, but all four of the contested races were won by Dean supporters! Rev. Alex Harper was elected State Committeeman; Mary Nelson, Vice Chair; and Barbara Stampfl, Secretary.
After the presidential primary, our DFA group backed fellow Dean supporter, Jeff Siemer, for Congress. We also helped local candidates for county commission and state representatives. I was also a coordinator for the Betty Castor campaign in Polk County and active in other Democratic organizations like the I 4 Corridor Group and the Democratic Women's Club.
Many times, our Dean group was the only driving force for local activities. We made ourselves known and we worked hard. I heard from longtime members of the DEC that over the years, many people joined and if their candidate lost, they disappeared. They were very impressed that we stayed.
Don't give up! We've just begun to "take back our power."
—Caroll Franklin
Winter Haven, FL
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, December 08, 2004
DFA Miami-Dade Rocks the DEC
Jody Finver is the Media Director for DFA Miami-Dade in Florida. Find DFAM online at
Last Thursday was a great success for members of DFA Miami-Dade (DFAM) at the Miami Dade Democratic Executive Committee elections. Four of our members ran for the board and three won. Wendy Sejour, our recording secretary, is now Secretary for the DEC. Barbara Walters, our outreach director, is now Program Vice Chair. And our very own Dean Dozen candidate, Dave Patlak, was elected as Outreach Vice Chair. Many of our members were able to participate vote because we had been elected as precinct captains.
Our Meetup was also a tremendous success the night before the election. We provided the only opportunity for DEC board candidates—most importantly the two candidates for the position of Chair—to speak to our members and respond to questions. Nearly 70 people attended and it was standing room only. Immediately following, we set into action a "Howard for DNC Chair" letter-writing campaign and discussed our plans for an Inauguration Day Vigil/Gathering in remembrance for those who have died during the present war.
Our local party is in desperate need of unity since the disappointing results of our Mayoral and Senatorial races. We have a lot of work ahead, but we are quite hopeful because of these three keys members' new front-and-center roles within the local party. Upward and onward!
Thank you Governor Dean for inspiring us all.
—Jody Finver