Donna Frye on Air America this morning! Wants all votes counted
8:30 a.m. Wednesday 12/8
Donna Frye is on the Stacy Taylor Show on Air America (KLSD)
. Despite the fact that Republican Dick Murphy is slated to be sworn in as San Diego's Mayor today, Frye intends to continue pursuing legal challenges.
"I will do everything possible to make sure that every vote is counted," said Frye, the Democratic write-in candidate. Frye believes she could still be declared the winner if several thousand ballots with her name written in, but the bubble not filled in.
Currently a City Council Member, Frye added that she would have difficulty voting to certify Murphy because "I know that all the votes were not counted."
Frye currently has $30,000 in legal bills racked up defending against other lawsuits filed by supporters of her two Republican opponents, and needs additional funds to launch appeals aimed at getting all write-in votes counted. Contributions can be made at .