Go to forums besides this one. Let's get the RWers talking about it, even if it's just "Those loony left-wingers are talking about some hearing about the election fraud. ** won fair and square!" There is always the slight chance that someone will perk up his ears and say, "What hearing?"
You never know!
Places to make waves about this:
The NON-liberal forums listed on my site, plus specifically RW forums (fora?) if you can get onto them.
http://timeforachange.bluelemur.com/newsbooks.htm#forumsIn RL, go hang out at the water cooler and get a conversation going. Talk to the person checking your groceries through. Mention something to the guy filling your gas tank. "That was some hearing, huh? Can you believe they might not certify Ohio's electors?" Anything to get people talking!