I don't agree with Edwards on all the issues. Oops, guess what! I don't agree with any candidate 100%! Dennis is the closest. Ever. He's got the issues. He owns them, IMO. He's my man all the way to the end. I don't have to caucus, so I don't have to have a 2nd choice.
If I did, if I was forced into a second choice, tonight I would have gone with Edwards. Not because they suggested it, but because it made sense in several ways.
While I don't agree with Edward's vote on IWR, I do feel comfortable with him on many other issues. I also like the way he has stayed positive and focused on his message. He and Kerry have been tied for 2nd in my personal rankings for awhile. But...Kerry was already the front-runner going in. Why put him farther ahead with more delegates? So, 2nd choice already didn't belong to Kerry.
And Gep? No thanks. I want a president who shows up for work. And if Gep drops out, we should get some of his support from labor, anyway.
Dean? I am not comfortable with him. It has nothing to do with recent "attacks;" I attributed those attacks to the natural frustration of being told everyday that he'd already beaten everybody else. I looked hard at Dean a year ago. I appreciated the energy and the organization. Then I realized that we differed on most issues. And Dean's position on Iraq was not that different from Kerry or Edwards, IMO. Dean is just not my guy. His campaign has given the impression that he doesn't need our help. And really, while everyone is in crisis over 3rd place, I think 3rd place is fine at this point. It's not like Dean is going to drop out.
Luckily, I don't have to deal with the wheeling and dealing I saw going on tonight on CSpan; while it was entertaining, I'll be happy to just cast my vote when the race gets all the way to the left coast!