Moving right is NO solution. If we move right we will, at some point, simply be subsumed by the Republicans and we will cease to be.
Moving to the left too much will cut us off from even the mainstream of our party.
We need to stay generally where we are ("we" being the people in the party, not the current leadership).
The trick is to find a candidate who can speak to the middle, much as Reagan did, but keep true to his own political compass.
As I see it, we need to get the large number of former Dems who became reliable Republican voters because of Reagan to come back home. I am in my gut certain they're the same people they always were. They went to the other side for matters of "vision" and "leadership" and other intangibles. In their hearts, they really prefer our way (not the DLC way). Our issues, however, have become muddied to irrelevance by the mixed messages they get from our side .... move left, move right, move to the middle, move up, move down .......
We've also been saddled with distracting issues. I am not saying our position in any of these are *wrong*. I am NOT saying that. I am NOT saying that ...... but, they saddle us.
The Dems have always been so inclusive and so worried about each special interest in our base that we tend to magnify the issue du jour in a way that makes it like a huge angry pimple on our noses. It is easy to see. It is right out in front. No one sees our real face because of that damned pimple.
Put some make-up on our pimples, okay? Don't change the position on any given issue, just package it correctly.
(I have been flamed before for using an issue as an example and framing it in a way to make a point. I am doing that here and want to make it clear I am NOT NOT NOT espousing a position on gay rights. I am 100% supportive of gay rights and gay marriage, but I will use that as an example here.)
We support gay marriage. I support gay marriage. You probably support gay marriage. So we put "GAY" marriage out there. Why didn't we bundle it with other family rights matters? Why would it have been wrong to package it as part of, say, a "Family Rights" plank in the platform? This gets the inflammatory "GAY MARRIAGE" thing out of the headlines.
Candy Crowley to John Kerry: "Senator, do you support GAY MARRIAGE?"
John Kerry in a wishy washy response: "Candy, thank you for that question. I support the notion that all Americans should have the right to equal protection under the ............ CIVIL UNIONS, not GAY MARRIAGE ..... blah blah ...... blah ........"
American Citizen: "ZZZZzzzzzZZZZZZzzzzz" American Christian: "GAY MARRIAGE, GAY MARRIAGE, GAY MARRIAGE" American Gay: "Fuck you John Kerry"
same question
John Kerry: "I am in favor of all issues that protect or promote the American Family. The rights of families to health care, to education for our children, to the provision of safe streets so our children can walk to neighborhood schools, so all our families have the right to a say in the care of their loved ones, etc., etc., etc."
American Citizen: "I like that" American Christian: "I like that" American Gay: I like that" American Fundamentalist (now a splintered group of listeners): "Fuck You John Kerry, you lying gay lover. You're gunna make them get married aren't you. Hey people, do you see how John Kerry is lying to you? Do you see it? Huh? Do you?"
So yeah. Just find a fucking message and stick to it. As Carville said not long ago .... "stand for *something*". And that "something" should be what it has traditionally been for Dems - just better stated.
Lastly, I don't think the specifics of any particular position matters near as much as the message - the "feeling" ..... the "vibes" - we send. We have a habit of taking nuanced debate (such as this thread) and trying to do that when we publicly debate right wing speakers, while they stay with a simple message. Keep it equally simply in our speeches and in our story. Keep it simple in ALL our publicly facing communications.
No one gives a shit about hearing strategic, nuanced discussions. To the vast majority out there, it is nothing more than mental masturbation. Save that for internal discussions.
For our public face ... keep it simple.
Remember ... left is right and right is wrong.