To their (partial) credit, the MSM that I have seen has been putting Rumsfeld's "Tough Shit, soldiers" speech in fairly heavy rotation.
1) I've been told that after his statements, he was roundly boo'ed by the soldiers. I have yet to see that broadcast anywhere.
2) In the "teasers," they talk about the "positive" statement Rummy made about promising to send more armor. They don't talk about his shithead idiocy until you actually get to the story itself.
3) When they talk about the "shortage" of Hummers and Hummer armor, NOBODY has mentioned how there are so many stupid rich yuppies driving them around on our city streets. Hummer even found time to make a Hummer2, a super-deluxe consumer luxury model. Yet they can't find the time to make more Hummers for our TROOPS?