Until we can control the media at a rate of at least half what the RW does, we will never, ever be able to get our message out there and change the minds of the populace. We don't have to change our positions, we just have to stop letting the RW define what our positions are, and they do, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year. We were so thrilled we were able to get a lot of advertising on radio and TV during the campaign. Well la, de, da. The repugs basically are advertising every time one of them opens their mouth whether it's Limbaugh, Hannity, Boortz, Savage or any other RW talking head. They do it year round, not just during elections. And it's in the local radio markets as well, undermining state and local Democrat politicians and candidates.
Here's a great article that was brought to my attention about the situation. We can wring our hands all we want over the election, but until we have an equal voice in the media, that's all we'll ever be doing.
Too Little, Too Late
By Robert Parry
November 3, 2004 George W. Bush’s electoral victory is chilling proof that the conservatives have achieved dominance over the flow of information to the American people and that even a well-run Democratic campaign stands virtually no chance for national success without major changes in how the news media operates.
It is not an exaggeration to say today that the most powerful nation on earth is in the grip of an ideological administration – backed by a vast network of right-wing think tanks, media outlets and attack groups – that can neutralize any political enemy with smears, such as the Swift boat ads against John Kerry’s war record, or convince large numbers of people that clearly false notions are true, like Saddam Hussein’s link to the Sept. 11 attacks.
The end result of this imbalance has been that American democracy has been diminished. Indeed, the great American experiment with a democratic Republic may be on the verge of becoming meaningless, since much of the information distributed through the conservative echo chamber is either wrong or wildly misleading – and since the mainstream press has been so thoroughly housebroken
As George W. Bush celebrates his historic victory, the Democrats, left-of-center foundations and wealthy American liberals should finally recognize that their long pattern of starving honest, independent media has contributed to putting the nation – and the planet – on the edge of catastrophe.
John Kerry’s well-fought campaign – and the youthful energy that surrounded it – may have been an encouraging sign, but the hard truth is: it was too little, too late.