Incoming Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, speaking on NBC’s Meet the Press, says Justice Clarence Thomas "has been an embarrassment to the Supreme Court." Reid adds, "I think that his opinions are poorly written. I just don’t think that he’s done a good job as a Supreme Court justice." Thomas has no immediate reaction, most likely because he didn’t realize he’d been criticized since, as many court watchers are aware, pronouns are apt to make his head swim. Word is that Thomas’ close friend and puppet master, Justice Antonin Scalia, will pass along Reid’s opinion to him after he’s done cutting Thomas’ meat ("Who’s a hungry Justice?! Who’s a hungry Justice?! Here comes Roe v. Wade—eat it all up!"). So much has been made about Thomas not being very bright and being a big perv and his head looking like Epcot and that he never talks in court, but supporters point out he has been a crucial voice for reason at critical times at the Supreme Court, most recently regarding Pizza Hut v. Dominos, in which, speaking for the majority, Thomas argued for thin crust and extra cheese. . . . In other Washington news, Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist goes on ABC’s This Week and announces his continued support of abstinence. Let me just say, even though this may cost me some friends, I totally agree with him. I think abstinence is the only responsible course to take in this matter, and therefore I fully support Bill Frist abstaining from sex. Furthermore, I fully support, nay demand, others abstain from sex with Bill Frist, thereby assuring us there will be no more unwanted Bill Frists in the world because one is already too many.