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Why do "moderates" feel like they have to defend the leadership of the DLC

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kentuck Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-10-04 12:13 AM
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Why do "moderates" feel like they have to defend the leadership of the DLC
It is not they that have made the decisions. The DLC have called the shots for all of us. They called the shots for John Kerry also. Who knows how many votes Kerry would have gotten with a different message? Perhaps he would have gotten more? Perhaps he would have gotten less? We do not know.

Just because Kerry got the most votes ever for a Democrat does not mean people necessarily agreed with his message. Or with the DLC. Many voters may have simply voted for him because he was not Bush. If he had come across as a bleeding heart liberal, maybe he would have gotten less than he did. We do not know.

However, we do know that the DLC message is resonating in few races around this nation - local, state, or otherwise. We can only look at the results of the last ten years. We do not know if the "liberal" message will work or not. But we must do something different. Because, out of necessity, our nation calls us to do something different.

It is not the fault of the "moderates" or the "liberals". It is where we find ourselves. History has placed our backs to the wall. We can no longer fight the right-wing radicals the way we have in the past. We must connect with the people. We must do it with honesty and passion. We must show the nation that we are a different Party with a different message. A message for the people.

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GingerSnaps Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-10-04 12:59 AM
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1. Propaganda vs BBV
Edited on Fri Dec-10-04 01:01 AM by GingerSnaps
It's a good way of making people conform to the Nazi regime.

Do you think that the right wingers want us to get along with them. They need someone to put down in life or they won't feel in control or powerful.

Throughout history society has had a group of individuals that have been made into second class citizens. They made them feel like they had to become like the other group otherwise they wouldn't fit in.

The Nazi Regime aka * Regime wants a mandate and the only way is to make 1/2 of the population feel like they have to conform because they are thinking and doing something wrong.

Don't believe it Kentuck it's a bunch of crap that they are feeding us and I believe that some of our own party are wolfs dressed in sheep's clothing. :hug:
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JI7 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-10-04 01:02 AM
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2. the Kennedy people "called shots" for Kerry
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