Received below note from my cousin: (I've added some links below my cuz's note about DeLay scamming for legal funds that support this note received from my cousin)
The recent issues of Newsweek (Dec. 13th, Nov. 29th, etc. - typically found in the Periscope section of recent Newsweek issues) magazine have some very revealing articles on DeLay and his money drives for his defense fund. It seems the more investigation the more interesting things are found about his raising money. At one of his fund raisers in Texas the head man for a prison system handed him a check for $100,000 for his foundation for abused children, apparently in order to curry favor. Of course, a DeLay spokesman quickly stated there was nothing illegal about that exchange.
Also, another check for $1000 given in 2001 was returned to the lobbyist after it was revealed in the paper that congressmen are not allowed to accept such checks. There was another check ($2500) returned as well to a Texas law firm given in the same year when Harriet Miers, recently named White House Counsel, headed the firm. Of course, there were excuses of "We didn't know it was illegal." Oh yes, Mr. DeLay has raised $400,000 for his defense fund. It must be nice to just put out the word and the money flows in to pay for your defense in court.
Senator Stevens (R) of Alaska is now the king of pork, and his hands are not always so clean either. He has a total disregard for the taxpayer's money. Perhaps this is was what Senator Hollings of SC had in mind after his farewell speech on the Hill on Nov. 16th when he is quoted as saying "My morals are way better than the greed of the other crowd."
References to Newsweek articles:
DeLay: More Cash—And More Questions
A new study raises questions about fund-raising for Delay’s legal-defense fundBy Michael Isikoff and Holly Bailey
Dec. 13 issue - Faced with mounting lawyers' bills to fend off ethics complaints and a grand-jury probe in Texas, House Majority Leader Tom DeLay is increasing efforts to raise money for his legal-defense fund. But DeLay, who has raked in more than $400,000 for the fund since last July, could face new questions over how he's raised the cash in the past. A study to be released this week by Public Citizen, a watchdog group frequently critical of DeLay, finds the Texas congressman has received seven checks for the defense fund totaling $9,500 from lobbyists or members of law firms registered to lobby the Congress. House rules in effect since 1996 prohibit members from accepting contributions for legal-defense funds from lobbyists. "It's a clear-cut violation of House rules," says Conor Kenny of Public Citizen.
(snip off) Full Text at: DeLay Rakes It In
Rule changer: Tom DeLay’s legal defense fund keeps growingBy Michael Isikoff and Holly Bailey
Updated: 11:58 a.m. ET Nov. 21, 2004
Nov. 29 issue - Rep. Tom ("the Hammer") DeLay strengthened his hand in the House last week when the Republican caucus voted a rule change that would permit him to stay on as majority leader even if he is indicted in a Texas fund-raising probe. At the same time, DeLay is quietly raking in fresh bundles of cash from GOP colleagues and big corporate donors for another highly personal cause: paying off his mounting legal bills.
(snip off) Full Text at: