We probably have all heard of phony media events that have a built in political message. The so-called Tax Freedom Day comes to mind
http://www.taxfoundation.org/taxfreedomday.html It's when the AVERAGE taxpayer is no longer working to pay taxes. Of course there's no such thing as the average taxpayer. It implies that ALL workers are working some 3.5 months a year just for Uncle Sam. Of course this is nonsense. It's an invention of the right wing Tax Foundation. It includes those who pay more under what's left of our progressive tax structure.... skewing the date upward. As such it seems to serve no other purpose than manipulate public opinion. The media dutifully complies in airing this phony media event each year.
So what other sort of media events can be created to create more of a Progressive consciousness? I'd try to get away from playing the average game and stick to real numbers. How about targeting the two biggest wastes of money in the federal budget. We could have "Military Day"... the day that first 420 Billion in tax revenues have been collected to pay for an imperialistic military establishment. After that Interest on the Debt Day to indicate when revenues are no longer collected to fund 320 Billion in interest payments.
How we can raise consciousness about the deficit and debt are another question given that even the Democrats refuse to tell Americans the truth about the extent of Bush's fiscal irresponsibility.