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We need a Unified Voice like the rethugs

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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion: Presidential (Through Nov 2009) Donate to DU
ecoalex Donating Member (718 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-10-04 03:51 PM
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We need a Unified Voice like the rethugs
The rethugs got where they are, by being unified, what progressives need to do.Single mindedness is what worked for the rethugs, mobilizing all rethug fractions into one voice, churches, pundits, groups of all distinctions, focus groups,add the corporate media , all united to one voice.

For the progressives to have any chance of regaining any political power, they have to unite all groups to one voice, as the rethugs have, many separate voices cannot counter the rethug juggernaut.All progressive groups, environmental,political, church , industry , must unite to one voice.We must demand in one voice :

#1 A fully verifiable election process, with no exceptions, all votes must be able to be counted, recounted, verified.No insecure systems would be allowed , and all machines would be tested , software, and tabulation centers would be examined, and certified secure, all results sent would be encrypted, and received in firewalled tabulators , eliminating the possibility of hacking fraud.

#2 Progressives would pledge to not contribute to any group that would not sign a declaration of "single purpose", and a director of this conglomeration of progressive groups , would formulate a single voice to counter the rethug machine of disinformation, and to speak from a position of power to apply pressure where needed , for example the recount effort in Ohio.

Only when one unified progressive voice is heard, as there is from the rethugs , and the concentration of power great enough to counter the rethug Phy Ops , and corporate juggernaut , will there be a chance to overthrow the illegitimate administrations of now and the future. The past fragmented model of green groups and unions, minorities, and other progressive groups fighting separately will not succeed, it takes a unified front. Political power only respects an equal amount of political power, for now the progressives do not have amassed enough concentrated power.

It's time for all good men and women of progressive ideals to join together in one voice , to reverse the rethug juggernaut.
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noahmijo Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-10-04 03:58 PM
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1. Yea that's what I've been saying but nobody listens
Edited on Fri Dec-10-04 04:00 PM by noahmijo
The rethugs meet once a week 52 weeks a year on Sundays. Not to knock Christianity but come on people these are the facts.

We can't possibly compete with that kind of organization at our current level. We're too busy nitpicking with ourselves over minor differences.

I'm not saying we need to be in lockstep with any part like robots like the rethugs are, but just one small period where we can unite for once without letting small differences divide us.

Just one massive unified "Fuck You" to the right and a crushing blow from everyone left of center could do it.

THEN we can peacefully work out our differences from those on the left and far left. Frankly I'll enjoy it when that day comes. It'll be like a business dinner with good food and wine and people you're happy to respect.
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