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From LUKE STANGEL, Palo Alto Daily News: I just got back to the office from the live taping of the Hannity & Colmes Fox News talk show at the Flint Center in Cupertino, Calif. Our newspaper has been following fifth-grade teacher Stephen Williams' lawsuit against his school district after his principal barred him from handing out literature that she felt amounted to Christian propaganda.
Interestingly, they turned away all reporters at the door, saying the media couldn't come in. This came hot on the heels of two prominent articles in the San Jose Mercury News and San Francisco Chronicle today describing Williams' planned live interview on Hannity & Colmes. The
interview was Williams' first public appearance and interview since the media circus came to town.
Half an hour before the show began, Hannity paraded out in front of the audience, which clapped wildly for him.
"We came to San Francisco and we can't find one liberal?" he asked, to laughs. "That's why we came to San Francisco. Listen: we're taking over San Francisco!"