I consider some of this obtuse, perhaps deliberately, in that a
principal use of the internet ought to be grass-roots organization
building. Still, a few good points are made.Zack Exley, the online communications chief for the Kerry-Edwards campaign, offered a brutally frank assessment of his team's elections tactics today. It probably didn't win him many friends at the Berkman Law School's Internet and Society 2004 conference here at Harvard, many of whom have come to hear their faith in the goodness of the internet affirmed - but it's the most accurate account we've heard.
Exley was on a panel with his counterpart Chuck DeFeo, eCampaign manager of Bush-Cheney '04, discussing how the net had influenced politics this year.
"Republicans are beating us at what used to be our game: the grassroots approach. That's real politics," he said.
"Basically (the Democrats) don't trust the people." When the GOP had lost elections, they didn't joke en masse about moving to Canada. They got their heads down and built an organization.
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