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We either stand up or we lose again. Using Moore against Nelson.

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madfloridian Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-11-04 02:58 PM
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We either stand up or we lose again. Using Moore against Nelson.
Edited on Sat Dec-11-04 03:20 PM by madfloridian
I know the Times Unions is very right wing, but that should not matter in this case. This editorial from the Jacksonville Times Union shows what we need to be on guard against. They say Nelson is being targeted because of Michael Moore. And guess what? Some in the party are saying we need to run from Hollywood types and Moore. I find this shameful. We can not go on as party unless we fight against things like this. This was December 1. If we don't stand up to this, they are once again defining the terms.

SNIP.."The Washington Times quotes Republican insiders as saying Bill Nelson of Florida is one of two Democratic senators they plan to work most vigorously to defeat in the 2006 elections.

Of course, they do. Nelson drew a large target on his own head when, during the presidential campaign, he allowed himself to be photo- graphed doing a "thumbs up" outside a theater where Michael Moore's movie was being shown. (I say good for him!)

SNIP.."Southern voters love moderate and conservative Democrats. If Nelson can break from his own party on such high visibility issues as tax cuts and judicial nomi- nations, he has a good chance of holding onto his job -- regardless how many resources the opposition sinks into the race. (Oh, become a Republican to win.)

National Journal ranks Nelson as one of the more moderate Democrats in the Senate, slightly to the right of Bob Graham and on an equal plane with Joe Lieberman. That's a good start, but he must not become complacent."

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BrklynLiberal Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-11-04 03:03 PM
Response to Original message
1. Link to story not working. Can you try again? n/t
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madfloridian Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-11-04 03:17 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. Fixed the link. Thanks for letting me know.
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Zhade Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-11-04 04:43 PM
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3. I'll take Moore over DLCer Will "I like PNAC!" Marshall ANY DAY!

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Donna Zen Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-11-04 06:02 PM
Response to Original message
4. My letter:
What’s Moore got to do with it?

While the “know it alls” inside the beltway and on both sides of the aisle are busy holiday shopping for a Michael Moore doll that they can stick full of pins, does anyone pause and ask themselves why? Well, the Republicans will tell you that Moore’s film, F/911 is filled with lies and rabid bush haters. The Democrats, especially those of the DLC, claim that any association with Michael Moore will cause the entire country to turn against the party. In fact, From and his various spokes people are just sure that Michael Moore brought on John Kerry’s loss on November 2nd. What’s the truth in all of this? Well, one thing does stand out, both the Republicans and the Democrats are out to bring down Michael Moore; but what’s he got to do with it?

Since the movie’s blockbuster summer opening, the Republican’s and their echo chamber, the main stream media, have taken every opportunity to scream that F/911 was a pack of lies. The curious, nagging omission from their televised rants is any effort to specifically list all of those lies. It’s hard work; with the film being mostly documentary footage without any reenactments, one just can’t say that the captured events never happened. Wolfowitz really does lick his comb, and yes, it’s sad but true. As far as the film’s bias is concerned, Moore referred his work as a “polemic” not a documentary. If the Republicans were surprised to learn that Michael Moore doesn’t like George Bush, then they know now. They should also know, that Moore hired a team of fact checkers, a requirement that has never been duplicated by Rush Limbaugh or his quislings. In short, there was nothing in the film that many people, myself included, didn’t already know.

Maybe the Republicans can spare a few snarls for Kevin Phillips, since he came to many of the same conclusions about Bush’s relationship with the Saudis.

More likely the Republicans shout about some lies, ironically a lie in itself, because the real reasons that they object to Moore’s film might not make the best sound bite: the film makes them look bad and they want Moore to never make another film again. After all, defending “free speech” has never been a Republican strong suit, just ask Joseph McCarthy.

As for the Democrats and their distancing act, well, their reasoning certainly needs some scrutiny. I mean, what’s Moore got to do with losing at the polls in 2004? And how can you distance yourself from a man who voted Green in 2000? Moore’s Bush bashing, intended as his own artistic commentary, in all likelihood succeeded in bringing out people to vote for John Kerry. Democrats didn’t spend a dime on Moore’s “Slacker Tour” that encouraged a young generation to register and vote. Distancing yourselves from someone who has kept his distance is going to be very tricky. Does anyone even know if Moore is a Democrat?

I went to see F/911 and took careful note of the audience. Strange as it may seem, the theater was filled with people who looked like average Americans. The kind who go to work everyday, hope to keep their health insurance, and take their responsibilities seriously. I watched them laugh and cry and when the film was over, applaud.

Anyway, since the world is still waiting for all of the people who served with Bush in Alabama to step forward, or at least one of them, the point goes to Moore.

Instead of distancing themselves from the Michael Moore’s of America, perhaps the Democrats would do themselves and our democracy a favor by cozying up to all of the voters who stood in line for hours and failed in their effort to get to vote. Or maybe the Democrats should take some time out from scapgoating film makers and ponder the possibility that a vote cast on a computer without a paper trail doesn’t meet the standard of verifiability that underpins the concept of our democracy. Why ruin Moore when he is not your opponent and your opponent is counting the votes?

Concentrating the Democratic leadership’s focus on Moore may make them feel better since it relieves them of taking the responsibility of running a campaign without a rapid response team and a clear message. Sluffing off the blame works for George Bush and company, it may work for the DNC/DLC, but I would bet it will not. It’s time for the Democratic leadership to look into the mirror and ask the tough questions:

• what do we stand for;
• will we pay attention to the base or will continue to think of them as a “cash cow;”
• how long will they (the base) stand for that;
• how can we restore an honest press in America;
• when we call out George Bush for this disastrous war;
• when will we realize that bad policy that serves the greedy robs the citizens of the
• and when will we acknowlege that American ideals now rest in misery at the bottom of a
slippery slope and we need to turn that around?

If the Democrats still have time to bash Moore and solve those problems, well, all I can say is “careful what you wish for” his next film may focus on you.
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JD Lau Donating Member (209 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-11-04 06:39 PM
Response to Reply #4
5. Donna Zen: Your letter is EXCELLENT! Right on up there
with the top journalists I have read. Kudos to you!

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Donna Zen Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-11-04 07:50 PM
Response to Reply #5
6. Thank you (now blushing)
Yikes! three typos begging to be repaired. Anyway, I truly thank you for taking the time to read my letter. I'm trying to think of places to send it (tapping chin.) This poster is open for ideas.
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Radical Activist Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-11-04 07:52 PM
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7. I was always glad Clark
was willing to share a stage with Moore, even if Clark didn't back up Moore's deserter statement. I wish more Dems would stick up for Moore.
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Donna Zen Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-11-04 08:12 PM
Response to Reply #7
8. During the convention
while doing an interview with Matthews, Clark referred to MM as a courageous and patriotic American. The General may not agree with the term "deserter" since it may be technically inaccurate. Also, Wes has said that any comment on junior's record should be left up to the military.

What Clark took the hit for was defending MM's freedom of speech. Wow! Now there's a concept (/snark)

The original letter I wrote included a paragraph about Clark and Moore; but I decided that the message needed to be confined to one battle at a time (chose your mountains carefully.)

FWIW, Clark was not on stage or even in the room when Moore made his statement. Clark of course would have still continued to defend Moore's rights, but it does change the image and Clark's relationship to the circumstance. Peter Jennings and the mediawhores he rode in on can go straight to PNAC hell.

The most bitter part of this story from my perspective, was after running with their collective rat's-ass-tails between their legs, the DNC quickly promoted Kerry's credentials v bush once the discovered the story "had legs." IOW, Clark takes hit; Kerry takes credit.

Now this Moore shit!

If it wasn't for the REAL party, the Democrats I know and love, I would quit in a nano second out of the sheer embarrassment of being associated with a bunch of dumb as dirt assholes (read: so-called leadership.)
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ShaneGR Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-11-04 08:13 PM
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9. People forget Nelson went into space on the Columbia....
In fact, he was on the Shuttle that went just before the Challenger. This is when they used to launch one once a month. He was a Congressman back then. He's really a great American, regardless of all this moderate/liberal/conservative hogwash.

I loved how just after the hurricanes hit Nelson was on every station in America talking about how "this is when the government steps in and makes things better."

I like that, a good counter to the anti-government forces of the right.
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