to really rile up the general population?
a recent poll has shown a decline in the belief that Iraq will be a democracy, yet bush*'s approval numbers are up in the same poll
in the past 4 years - bush* inc. has lied, manipulated and spun stories,refused to accept responsibilities and blamed anyone and everyone they can for their screwups -- yet he is in office for yet another 4 years, and we can expect the next 4 years will be no different than the last 4 years (just louder and worse)
so what's it going to take to bring him down? Forget Congress, they have rubber stamps up their butts and are more than happy to stamp their approval on whatever bush* wants
Democratic party? Doubt it -- they are too busy tripping over each other in the rush to be repug-lite
Invasion of Iran while Iraq and Afghanistan is a mess? maybe...but the spin will be that Iraq's WMDs are now in Iran and we'll have mushroom clouds blooming all over this great nation. Cue the music and flag waving
Draft? Not under bush* -- he'll just keep the back-door open and re-activate/extend tours of duty -- does the same thing as inducting newbies for cannon fodder -- at least until after 2006 midterms then it's cue the music and wave the flag
Recession? nahhhh--it's still the Clinton recession remember?
another 9-11 terra-ttack? Possibly, if the bush*ies can't come up with a plausible excuse like blaming it on Luxemberg -- but then they have the lapdog media to help them with the spin
so what do you think? draft, recession, bombs, attacks or a combination of 2 or more?